All of the planting areas will be sown with sideoats grama, a low bunch grass with ornamental orange blooms and solid seed head action in fall. This will create a calm, modern base layer which should take well to future flower self sowing. Clumps of sedge are also scattered in the beds -- in a pointillist fashion -- further out from the home to add early-season green, increase plant diversity, and help tie areas together.
Below is an update of the Cornhusker Council Boy Scout's of America headquarters east of Lincoln, planted last fall. It's about 2,000 square feet of developing sedge meadow in a challenging space where portions get a lot of shade half the day, then blistering afternoon sun. Weeds out in the country have been a problem, but they are primarily the annual variety, so the goal is simply to keep them from blooming and setting seed. What this means is cutting them down to the ground with minimal pulling, the latter which would disturb the soil, bring more seeds to the surface, and create open soil for new blown-in seeds to establish. The sedge, Carex brevior, is looking very strong as forbs and some sweeps of grasses slowly establish this first year.